Formation Courses

Contemplative and Compassionate Listening Course (also known as Spiritual Accompaniment Course)

This course focus mainly on contemplative listening.  Participants shall learn hands-on, experientially.  It is divided into two parts and participants may choose to do one or both parts.

The concept of contemplation used here is based on Ignatian Spirituality and very much dwells in the idea of being/resting in the Lord – Emmanuel.

This course is mostly inspired by and adapted from the Spiritual Accompaniment Courses 1 & 2 at St Beuno’s, the Jesuit retreat centre in UK, as well as with some ideas from Xavier House and Campion, the Jesuit retreat houses in Hong Kong and Melbourne, respectively.

Once the participants begin praticuum and starts directing retreats, both individual and group supervision will be provided.

Part 1

·         8-day personally guided retreat – to discern if they are called to begin this course.

·         Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola (19th Annotation but with a stay-in retreat for the final 10 days).

·         Learn and practice the gifts and ministry of presence, and compassion and contemplative listening – include listening in pairs and in triads.

·         Share the gifts of praying with Lectio Divina, Imaginative Contemplation and the Examen, with individuals as well as in groups.

·         Direct two weekend retreats and one 5-day retreat under supervision. 

Part 2

·         A brief intro to Ignatian Spirituality

·         Basic intro to styles of spiritual direction.

·         Simple guidelines to Discernment (emphasis on fruits of the Spirit as listed in Gal 5:22)

·         Introduction to Movements of the Spirit based on the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.

·         Direct two one-week retreats under supervision.

·         Experience another 8-day retreat with a different spiritual director from Part 1 (ideally more than 6 months after completing Part 1).

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